If you feel confused and frustrated about supplements for female hormonal imbalance, you’re not alone!

After all, there are a gazillion supplements on the market, all promising to be the holy grail, right?

And some really do work. But others…not so much.

So, the question is “what supplements are good for hormone imbalance?”

In order to promote hormone balance, it’s important to take supplements that support the gut (particularly the liver), the nervous system and the reproductive system.

In this post I’m going to simplify your search for hormone balance supplements by giving you 3 foundational supplements that can help to transform your health.

To start, let’s talk about vitamins and their role in hormone health.

Note: this post contains some affiliate links and I earn a commission (at no additional cost to you) if you use them to make a purchase.


Before we look at the actual supplement brands to use, let’s quickly talk about vitamins and female hormones.

Vitamins are organic compounds that our bodies need for:

  • Producing hormones.
  • Extracting energy from food.
  • Healthy immune function.
  • …and other vital processes.

Now, here’s a look at just a handful of vitamins that can help hormonal imbalance symptoms.

Vitamin E

This vitamin reduces systemic stress and provide relief from symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, vaginal dryness and heart palpitations (source).

Vitamin D

Known as the sunshine vitamin, vitamin D supports healthy thyroid function, and also regulates insulin and blood sugar. Healthy blood sugar levels ultimately improves weight loss, alleviates PCOS symptoms and also reduces overall inflammation in the body (source).

Vitamin B3

This is a relaxant and stress reliever that supports healthy sleep, and also helps with anxiety and depression (source).

Vitamin B5

B5 is necessary for the production of cholesterol, which is the precursor for the production of sex hormones and adrenal hormones (source).

Vitamin B9 (Folate)

Aside from being essential for a healthy pregnancy, B9 also relieves PMS symptoms, supports cognitive function and improves mood swings.

Vitamin B6

Studies show that taking about 100mg of B6 can prevent PMS symptoms like irritability and mood swings (source).

Vitamin E   Helps with stress, hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, vaginal dryness, heart palpitations.
Vitamin D   Supports thyroid function, regulates insulin and blood sugar.
Vitamin B3   Relaxant and stress reliever , supports healthy sleep, helps with anxiety and depression.
Vitamin B5   Necessary for cholesterol production (which is used to make sex hormones and adrenal hormones).
Vitamin B9   Relieves PMS, supports cognitive function, improves mood swings.
Vitamin B6   Prevents PMS symptoms like irritability and mood swings.


If you’ve read any of my previous posts, then you’ve most like heard me say that inflammation is the root cause of hormonal imbalance symptoms.

Whether you’re struggling with acne, weight gain, irregular cycles, hot flashes or countless other symptoms, inflammation is the common factor.

And once inflammation sets in, it puts a heavy toll on the body which can lead to:

  • Overworked and sluggish liver.
  • Accumulation of hormone-disrupting toxins in the body.
  • Imbalance in gut bacteria and onset of leaky gut syndrome.
  • Disruption of normal hormone production and hormone function.
  • Increase in systemic stress, which disrupts the nervous system, as well as communication to the thyroid, adrenals and other organs.

So, how do you address all this and get back to feeling like yourself again?

Well, it’s all about increasing your nutrient intake.

One way to do that is to eat more nutrient-dense, anti-inflammatory foods.

Another way of getting more nutrients into your body is to take good quality supplements with ingredients that:

  • support the liver.
  • boost gut health.
  • nourish the nervous and reproductive systems.
  • fight inflammation so that the adrenals, thyroid and other key hormone production organs can work more efficiently.

Now, if you’re wondering “can I skip supplements and only eat anti-inflammatory foods?” the answer is, “maybe.”

For some women making healthier food choices is enough.

But the more symptoms you have, the more intense they are or the longer you’ve been dealing with your symptoms, then the harder it is to get all your nutrients from food alone.

I mean, there’s only so much kale, berries or sauerkraut you can actually eat in a day, right?

The whole point of using natural supplements for hormones is to fill in the nutritional gaps that are not covered by food.

In addition, supplements speed up your results, often helping you to get twice the results in half the time.

Source: Live Well Zone
by Germaine